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Required cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In this way they can avoid any inconvenience, and in case there is a loss of data, it can be quickly remedied. What we suggest is that you always make a backup before updating TomTom maps. There will also be maps for TomTom 1085, TomTom go live 1000, TomTom Home, among others.XL classic, XXL, Ride, One, Start and Carminat versions.Some of the models compatible with this method, and of which you can find free maps, are: One thing we can guarantee is that after using this method you can find, download or update your TomTom's maps for free Regardless of the model you own. Therefore, it is suggested check TomTom map compatibility tables that you can find in the aforementioned forums. However, something you should know is that some devices are not compatible with specific maps. With the method we have mentioned, you can easily update each of your existing TomTom devices. And that's it, you'll have your updated maps on your TomTom GPS! Now alone open the folder and paste the downloaded files that had previously been copied to the clipboard.For example: if we download the map of eastern_europe it will be necessary to assign the same name to the folder.Open the folder that will appear as if it were a removable drive and you will have to create a folder with the name of the file that has been downloaded.Now look for your TomTom device in the 'Computer' or 'My Computer' folder.Locate the files you downloaded above and copy them.Once you have found the desired map you will proceed to connect your GPS via USB to your computer.In addition, it is essential to remember that the activator must be downloaded as well. You can directly search for the number of the map that interests you it is important to include the word Iberia or Europe in case you need a map of Spain. These should be overwritten if they already exist on your SD. after that only browse for the desired map file, in this case, we will enter the forum and look for the TomTom Map Share it is an editable and updatable version consisting of 4 files and is pasted directly onto the map.